Driving Skills Exam

Skills Criteria

  • Pre-Drive Items: Displays proficiency in the location and use of the; parking brake, windshield wipers, defroster, emergency flashers, head lights and turn signals.
  • Intersections: Safely navigates through a minimum of eight (8) intersections with various traffic control (stop sign, traffic lights, yield sign, etc.).  Displays proficiency in; speed, yielding, checking for cross traffic, braking speeds and limit lines.
  • Lane Changes: Ability to demonstrate proper use of turn signals prior to making a lane change.  Also uses mirrors to make sure traffic is clear prior to making lane change.
  • Turns: Evaluate based on a minimum of three (3) left hand and three (3) right hand turns.  Proficiency in use of; turn signals, steering control, speed, and turning into and from correct lane.
  • Highway Driving:  Displays proficiency in safely merging on and off of highway while maintain the posted speed limit.
  • Smooth Driving: Ability to use the accelerator and brake pedals in a non-aggressive manner.
  • Attentive Driving:  Does not use cell phone while behind the wheel and remains attentive to their surroundings.
  • Backing:  Demonstrates the ability to safely back into a parking spot using ONLY the side mirrors.

Evaluator Notes

  • As the evaluator, it is extremely important you monitor each of the driver’s actions to determine their skill level.
  • Each Road Test should be designed to be a minimum of twenty (20) minutes.  Take as much time as necessary to determine the driver’s skill.
  • If at any point during the Road Test the driver uses their cell phone, you must immediately fail the driver and end the Road Test.
  • Any driver that fails three (3) or more portions of the Road Test will be disqualified from driving.

Name of driver*

3 fails or more automatically disqualify the driver. Driver cannot be put into a vehicle.

Pre-Drive Items
Pre-Drive Items
  Pass Fail
Emergency brake
Windshield wipers
Emergency flashers
Head Lights
Turn Signals
  Pass Fail
Checks traffic in all directions
Stops vehicle in proper location
Does not allow vehicle to roll when stopped
Prepares to stop vehicle, if necessary, even if signal is green
Lane Changes
Lane Changes
  Pass Fail
Uses turn signals for at least 3 flashes prior to lane change
Looks in side view mirrors before making lane change
Highway Driving
Highway Driving
  Pass Fail
Merges onto highway safely
Maintains posted speed limit
If passing, only passes in safe location, where legally permitted
Merges safely off of the highway
  Pass Fail
Makes turns from proper lane
Signals intention to turn well in advance
Keeps vehicle in proper lane during turn
Approaches turn at proper speed
Backing and Parking
Backing and Parking
  Pass Fail
Uses mirrors properly
Avoids backing from blindside
Smooth Driving
Smooth Driving
  Pass Fail
Pulls away smoothly
Performs complete stops and does not “Rolling Stop”
Yields for traffic when necessary
Uses brake smoothly, rather than slamming on brake
Cell phone use during trip while driving
Pass or Fail*
Name of Road Supervisor*
Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above